Researched, developed and made by GB Guitars and are totally exclusive to us.
No tuner? No problem! "Electronic pitch-pipes" for your bass; fitted inside the electronics cavity. Activated by pushing a discretely fitted touch pad on the rear Perspex cover plate and produces
the normal bass string sound.
This is the only system of its kind in the world.
Researched, developed and made by GB Guitars and are totally exclusive to us.
No drum synth? No problem! The beat sound is solid... no clicks or beeps. It has been designed for practising your chops and can be added to the "G-Spot" with a second touch pad installed. Both
touch pads are needed to control the speed of the beat; one increases the other decreases and shuts the unit down. It will remember the last tempo you selected.
GB Guitars
41 Prestonville Road, Seven Dials, Brighton. Sussex. BN1 3TJ. United Kingdom
Tel : 01273 220055 Fax : 01273 775780
© 2017 GB Guitars
All photographs by kind permission of Jim Bryan